
It’s the often confusing time of year when I stand at my closet and wonder if it’s going to be a sweater or a tshirt sort of day and often meet somewhere in the middle by mixing summer and fall pieces into one outfit. You can head over to Tres Chic this month and pick up our darling, light knit penny top and pair it with the fore shorts. We also noticed that the shorts are just adorable with the pert top (which you might already own) so we updated it to include LaraX+Petite and Reborn. If you don’t own it, pert can be purchased at the special price of $L99 at the Tres Chic location only. Much love xoxo

You can also swing over to Uber through the 22nd for our working girl set contractor and foreman (although my dumbass went full on mechanic with it instead of builder lol)

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